Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Anglais semestre 2

Code de l'ECUE : IMEANG12

Ce cours appartient à UE Langues (3 ECTS) qui contient 2 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre pair


Responsable(s) du cours


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • Be selected by a jury team composed of the Master’s program faculty members,
  • Be admitted into the course upon jury decision in June, for a course start in September of the same year.


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • Analyse, synthesize and reflect upon the various angles of approach provided within the course


    1. Changes in the global Tourism Industry induced by the Covid Pandemic
    2. How the Sharing Economy is re-orienting Global Hospitality: AirBnB as an innovator
    3. Sustainable Hospitality: progress and challenges in the Hospitality sector
    4. Event Planning: recent historical overview and anticipated evolutions
    1. Boutique Hotels: a not-so-recent Trend in the Tourism Industry, and prospective evolution
    2. Hospitality and employee retention: a challenge in the post-Covid Era
    3. Robotics in the Tourism sector (Part 2): how viable of a tool?
    4. Ancillary revenue strategies for the EU Tourism sector: the key to enhanced profit?
Accéder au Syllabus complet (Authentification requise)
Ce syllabus n’a aucune valeur contractuelle. Son contenu est susceptible d’évoluer en cours d’année : soyez attentifs aux dernières modifications.