Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Anglais

Code de l'ECUE : IMEIAN2

Ce cours est proposé dans 3 UE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre pair


Responsable(s) du cours


Pas de prérequis


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • Apprehend the facts connected to the topic via the media mentioned above in the target language.
  • Draw and itemize the main information, along a set of given criteria (importance, relevance, potential impact etc…)
  • Synthesize the information gathered in the documents.
  • Keep a critical approach in the light of the knowledge and analytical skills they will have developed along the course, and the previous year if part of the B’s course (French ‘L3’)
  • Confront their points of view with that of their peers, and be capable of justifying their choices/orientations down to details with strong argumentation.
  • Report and restitute the information’s highlights while being careful to not rehash the general common ideas/notions and thus not fall in the cliché of a given topic.
  • Suggest a series of structured recommendations pertaining to the topic solutions and open up on wider rationales re the topics dealt with.
  • Bear in mind the topic syntheses and be capable of crossing some of their aspects with those provided in the more recent subjects, so as to gradually build a global yet sharp view of the different tenets of the world of int’l business, which will become part of the students’ daily environments when they become full-fledged professionals.


    1. Exploring the new definition of the Workplace in a post-COVID Environment
    2. Travel, Happiness and the Benefits for the Workplace: how travel can bring additional skills to the workplace
    3. The Hopes and Limitations brought about by the Circular Economy
    4. Wellbeing at the Workplace: changing realities in today’s Professional Environments and alterations to expect in the light of New Technologies helping Global Business
    5. Davos and the World Economic Forum: historical background and a 2018-2024 analysis of the Global Challenges suggested by the WEF
    1. The 5th Industrial Revolution and its implications for Global Business: a historical perspective (IR*1 through IR*4) and changes induced by IR*5 for Global Business
    2. The importance of Emotional Intelligence: retrospective considerations and benefits to today’s workforce
    3. Augmented Reality (AR): definition, technological improvements and influence on today’s business practices: a few revealing business use cases and their implications in the sectors considered
    4. VR, the Metaverse and how businesses can successfully operate and optimize their operations with these technologies
    5. Successful Leadership and Management in a Digital Age: opportunities, challenges and limitations
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