Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Risk management

Code de l'ECUE : IPERIM

Ce cours appartient à UE Economics & management 4 (6 ECTS) qui contient 5 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Tout à distance , Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Licence 2
Semestre pair


The main objective of this course is to introduce techniques and models for assessing, limiting and adjusting financial risk exposure.

The course will enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of risk management and regulation, and to empower their competency to describe diverse interpretations on risk and expound how risk is linked to expected return.

Responsable(s) du cours

Jackson Arroyave


  • 20h de cours magistral


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • Students are required to have a good level in English reading, oral comprehension and writing. The lectures will be delivered entirely in English.


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • Understand risk management and regulation, and describe diverse interpretations on risk and expound how risk is linked to expected return;
  • Define and differentiate several financial and non-financial risk types;
  • Define, apply, evaluate and compare methods used to measure risk, and assess different risk measures;
  • Understand how financial regulations affect financial markets;
  • Present and critically review studies on financial risk management.


  • Outlines the problem of risk management and regulation.

    Conceiving solutions to risk as a management or as a regulatory problem.

    Discusses the role of regulation in the financial sector, bank rivalry and ethical threat.

  • Concerns areas in financial risk including risk and regulation in the insurance markets, tools of financial risk management (diversification, hedging and capital provisions), assess risk for financial instruments (market risk, value at risk), credit risk, operational and business risk.

  • Study a strategic management view on risk analysis and management.

    Self-regulation and auditing, decision making in businesses, macroeconomic and political risks.

  • Considers the significance of risk as distinguished by different actors

    Behavioural analysis of financial risk

    Risk mapping and risks factors.

Accéder au Syllabus complet (Authentification requise)
Ce syllabus n’a aucune valeur contractuelle. Son contenu est susceptible d’évoluer en cours d’année : soyez attentifs aux dernières modifications.