University Côte d'azur

ECUE Sustainable business strat in a globalized environment

ECUE's code : IMESBS

This course belong to UE Stratégies et durabilité (6 ECTS) which contains 3 ECUE
Sciences économiques
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre impair


As is the case for many of my courses, this course rests mostly on 2 main sources of documents:

professional articles and paper reviews on the one hand, and video documents on the other. The 2

sources of base documents we work from offer pedagogical diversity, and at the same time enable

the student to form a true opinion based on different aspects of a given topic. The obvious goal is to

trigger and develop as much as possible of the student’s ability to analyse, synthesize sustainable

business strategies and approaches. The course is organized along several general topics all related

to sustainable practices and strategies witnessed in the corporate environment.

Course's manager(s)

In class

  • 15h of lectures


No prerequisite


By the end of this course, I should be able to...


  • The course is organized along weekly meetings, or sometimes meets bi-weekly, depending on overall schedule of the Master’s program. The sessions last 3 hours each, and the course volume is 15 teaching hours in one semester. The course is coupled with another course entitled “Sustainable Development Policies in Organizations”, and the 2 courses complement each other.

    The students are asked to complete advance reading each time prior to the meetings, with reading handed out to them one week prior to meeting discussion. Each reading is organized around a specific topic, which is then introduced, explained and discussed in the meetings. Students are asked to exert critical thinking and analysis in order to form a group opinion in view of debating on the topic.

    Depending on importance and scope of the topics, some issues discussed can extend over one single session. Also, additional business news documents (videos) related to sustainable practices in the corporate world can be played in order to facilitate student understanding of a given issue. Likewise, students are asked to think critically and provide perspectives along with matching justifications.

    • The interest businesses have to switch over to sustainable practices: the pros and cons of such changes in small-scale organizations as well as in larger organizations:
    • The changes to the global business environments caused by such strategies, and the potential.
  • No description
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