University Côte d'azur

UE20 Hallmarks and theory of aging

ECUE's code : SMUSVI20

Belong to 0 UE
Biochimie et biologie moléculaire , Biologie cellulaire , Biologie des organismes , Biologie des populations et écologie , Physiologie
Campus Valrose
Master 1 , Master 2
Semestre impair


Aging is a multifactorial and complex process that ultimately leads to functional decline and organismal death. However, this rather simple definition poorly depicts how aging is hardwired in many aspects of our life as social and thinking beings. It also implies elusively the complexity in tracking the causes and mechanisms of this phenomenon.
This module aims at gaining, through a multidisciplinary approach, a wide view on the causes, consequences and concepts of aging. It will also focus on molecular and cellular hallmarks of aging. Students will also be invited to document a favored related theme and give a peer-evaluated lecture on it.

Course's manager(s)

, Alexandre Ottaviani

In class

  • 30h of lectures
  • 12h of directed studies


No prerequisite


By the end of this course, I should be able to...
  • - Motivating a self-maintained interest in the themes related to the biology of aging
  • - Defining and delineating the biology of aging
  • - Explaining the hallmarks of aging and how they relate to molecular mechanisms
  • - Introducing the main theories on aging
  • - Gaining a multidisciplinary view of aging


  • - Definition of ageing from a biological standpoint

    - Explaining and discussing the "hallmarks" of ageing

    - Introducing current theories of ageing

  • - Protein oxidation and maintenance

    - DNA damage and ageing

    - Telomeres

    - Cellular senescence

    - Senescence, cancer and immunosurveillance

  • - Aesthetics and Ethics of Ageing (philosophical perspective)

    - An eco-evolutionary view on senescence

    - A geriatrician perspective on ageing

  • Each student choose a high impact publication linked to ageing to present its results and debate them with the class during dedicated sessions

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