University Côte d'azur

ECUE Econometrics of panel data

ECUE's code : IMEEPD

Belong to 3 UE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre pair


This course focuses on panel data techniques, a methodology that makes an analysis of a large number of objects through short periods in time. It can be particularly relevant for studying dynamic changes in household behavior, enterprise productivity, investment and regional growth. Each class is a three hour lectures. Two hours will be dedicated to the lesson and one hour to applications on STATA.

Course's manager(s)

In class

  • 20h of lectures
  • 10h of directed studies


Before the start of the course, I must ...
  • Studying these methods requires good knowledge of linear and matrix algebra.


By the end of this course, I should be able to...
  • Understand basicals technics of econometrics panel data.
  • Analyse and explain results of panel data
  • Use tools for econometrics panel data.


  • Classical linear regression: review

    Structure of panel data: cross-sectional and time-series dimension

    Fixed and random effects

  • Fixed effect: LSDV estimation

    Random effect: GLS estimation

    Between and within estimators

  • Poolability

    Hausman specification test

  • C-test of endogeneity

    IV estimation

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