University Côte d'azur

ECUE Introduction to R and STATA

ECUE's code : IMEERS1

Belong to 2 UE
Sciences économiques
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre impair
Anglais , Français


Welcome to the courses "Introduction to R" and "Introduction to Stata".

These courses aim to provide to students the basic knowledge of the R and Stata software. The courses are applied in nature. A second objective is that of learning how to use R and Stata with the aim of cleaning and exploring economic datasets. Overall, this shall form the basic knowledge for an empirical approach to economic analysis.

Course's manager(s)

In class

  • 18h of lectures
  • 9h of directed studies


Before the start of the course, I must ...
  • None.


By the end of this course, I should be able to...
  • Utilize both R and Stata to perform data analysis.


  • Section 0 - Introduction

    Section 1 - Importation et transformation des données, création d’un fichier plat, présentation

    (tableaux, graphiques, statistiques descriptives les plus courantes)

    Section 2 - Distributions de probabilité, densités, TLC, méthode Monte Carlo

    Section 3 - Protocole, Échantillonnage et distributions d’échantillonnage

    Section 4 - Spécification, Estimation, Test, Bootstrap

    Section 5 - Procédure expérimentale, analyse de la variance, Tests de permutation

    Section 6 - Modèle avec deux variables ou plus, Régression, Tests de spécification/diagnostics

    1. Introduction to the R software and to R studio.
    2. Data types and data structures in R.
    3. Basic programming with R.
    4. Working with data: the tidyverse library.
    5. Working with official EU data: the eurostat library.
    6. Plotting: the ggplot2 library.
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This syllabus has no contractual value. Its content is subject to change throughout this year: be aware to the last updates