Université Côte d'azur

ECUE International business model

Code de l'ECUE : IMECBM3

Ce cours appartient à UE Business International 2 (3 ECTS) qui contient 3 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 2
Semestre impair


The objective of this course is to make SMI students understand the essence and the components of a business model through various conceptual frameworks, to learn how innovative business models of companies around the world operate, and to be able to apply these frameworks in the analisis of specific company business model cases. Special focus will be put on how the increasing internationalisation and the emergence of digital economy have made business models evolve over the years. This course strengthens the knowledge of students on business strategy.

Students will do several group activities during class to assimilate each topic.

Responsable(s) du cours


  • 15h de cours magistral


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • Aucun prérequis


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • Draw a business model on a single sheet of paper and understand each of its components


      1. The concept of Business Model
        1. History of the concept
        2. Definition of business model
        3. The customer segment
        4. The value proposition
        5. Channels and customer relationship
        6. Business model typologies
        7. Business model characteristics
        8. Toward business models 9 building blocks


      1. Framework for understanding and describing business models
        1. Service profit chain
        2. The strategic systems auditing framework
        3. Strategy maps
        4. Individual capital statements
        5. Chesbrough open business model framework

    Business model canvas

      1. Communicating and reporting on business model
        1. The demand and supply of value creation information
        2. The business model and business reporting
        3. Advice on communicating business models
        4. Analytical guideline
        5. The process of evaluating business models


      1. Case studies
        1. Location : Xerox
        2. Hook and bait : Gilette

    Freemium : Linkedin

      1. Transition
        1. The 5 disruption factors making business models evolve
        2. Uberisation and platformisation
        3. Freemium models
        4. Subscription models
        5. Data-driven models
        6. Circular economy models
        7. Collaborative economy models


      1. Digital economy and business models patterns
        1. Mobility
        2. Big Data exploitation
        3. Network effects
        4. Two-sided markets
        5. Monopoly and oligoly tendency
        6. High volatiliy
        7. The world as a playground
      1. Business model innovation
        1. The business model cycle
        2. Business model change and innovation
        3. Sustainable business models and international business models for a post COVID-19 world


      1. Wolrdwide companies case studies : constructing business model canvas
        1. Netflix
        2. Google
        3. Uber
        4. Airbnb

    Candy Crush Saga

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