Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Basics - Python 1

Code de l'ECUE : IMEK102

Ce cours appartient à UE Basics - Python 1 (3 ECTS) qui contient 1 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre impair


This 18-hour module provides an introduction to the Python programming language.

Python is a modern, powerful and very accessible programming language for non-specialists. Today,

it is used in many fields, both in the academic research or in companies. It is a language that goes

to the essential, minimizing technical constraints which makes it an ideal language to learn

programming. It can help to solve a problem in a few lines of code. However, it can also be used for

larger projects. It is free and open-source, and it can used under the main operating systems such

as Windows, MacOS or Linux.

Responsable(s) du cours


  • 18h de cours magistral


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • This course is for beginners and does not require any special computer skills. Students have to bring there own personal laptops (PC or Mac) for the lectures in order to do the tutorials. A personal computer is also needs to performed the final project.


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...


  • - Why Python, first lines of code

    - Manipulate the variables

    - Tutorial 1 (exercises)

  • - Use of functions, logical conditions

    - Create a simple game in Python

    - Tutorial 2

  • - Loops, lists and dictionaries

    - Tutorial 3

  • - Access and manage files content

    - Tutorial 4

  • - Concepts of object-oriented programming

    - Tutorial 5

  • - Create graphical interfaces : use of TKinter

    - Tutorial 6

Accéder au Syllabus complet (Authentification requise)
Ce syllabus n’a aucune valeur contractuelle. Son contenu est susceptible d’évoluer en cours d’année : soyez attentifs aux dernières modifications.