Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Management d'équipe

Code de l'ECUE : IMEMDE

Ce cours appartient à UE Gestion d'une équipe commerciale (6 ECTS) qui contient 2 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre impair
Anglais , Français


Description of the different models of organizational culture and leadership - impact/influence on the workforce and on innovation

Working in teams – communication, negotiation, conflict and cultural diversity

Understand organizational change, the need, resistance, approaches to managing change and the change in culture

Responsable(s) du cours


  • 12h de cours magistral


Pas de prérequis


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • The different leadership styles & organizational typologies (includes company values) and their impact
  • How to work effectively in a multicultural team environment, in a remote team and to be an effective team manager
  • How to be facilitators/pioneers in organizational change
  • To understand the difference styles of leadership & identify a company’s culture/values to promote optimal performance, satisfaction and motivation
  • Enhance their team-awareness and self - awareness
  • To act as facilitators/change managers


  • Aucune description
  • Aucune description
  • Aucune description
  • Aucune description
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