Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Operational management & innovative processes

Code de l'ECUE : IMECOM1

Ce cours appartient à UE Management international 1 (6 ECTS) qui contient 2 ECUE
Sciences économiques
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre impair


To understand and comprehend the basics and development of clusters and business ecosystems.

Responsable(s) du cours


  • 15h de cours magistral


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • expected to master basics in project management
  • expected to basics in management
  • expected to basics in organization theories


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...


  • “ theoretical framework as a collection of interrelated concepts”

    1 Cases and Variables

    2 Michael Porter / the 'Cluster' or 'Diamond' model

    3 James F Moore / the Business ecosystem

    4 Pierre Laffitte / the cross fertilization model

  • The ecosystem as a driver for economic growth :

    Knowledge and competence represents a fruitful avenue for entrepreneurial initiative

    1.The Triple Helix model

    2.Science & technology parks as nucleus of innovation ecosystems

  • 1 California's Silicon Valley.

    2 London tech city / the silicon roundabout

    3 The ecosystem metaphor

  • 1 The Sophia Antipolis case

    2 The Start Up ecosystem

Accéder au Syllabus complet (Authentification requise)
Ce syllabus n’a aucune valeur contractuelle. Son contenu est susceptible d’évoluer en cours d’année : soyez attentifs aux dernières modifications.