Université Côte d'azur

ECUE Issues in international trade and business

Code de l'ECUE : IMECTB1

Ce cours appartient à UE Commerce international (6 ECTS) qui contient 2 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre pair


This course analyses both internal business practices of international firms and external global environments in which they operate in order to provide an international perspective on today's global business activities and the challenges facing business executives striving to compete successfully in 21st century.

The course provides essential and specialized knowledge in the many and diverse areas affecting sound and workable international business practices, including the patterns of international trade; the structure and institutions of global finance; the competitive environment of the international marketplace; the cultural, political-economic and legal-labor factors affecting international business; the cross-cultural marketing and management techniques essential for dealing with foreign values, habits and expectations; and the challenges of ethical and economic constraints imposed upon both manufacturing and human resource management in international markets today.

The globalization of business thus figures largely in this course. Drawing from real-life case studies and present examples, this course analyzes specific business practices related to distinct cultures in order to demonstrate how different national business cultures have adapted to, and have sometimes reinvented themselves within, the structural reality of globalization. This course provides a broad-based foundation for understanding the many actors, practices, and structural forces that make up the global marketplace today. It will prepare students for pursuing additional business studies within a wide range of courses in international marketing, management, and finance while equipping them with knowledge needed to take on future challenges in international businesses ventures.

Responsable(s) du cours

Dorde Mitrovic


  • 20h de cours magistral


Pas de prérequis


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • Reflect on the meaning of culture and culture's impact on people's expectations and perceptions of management.
  • Reflect on the effects of globalization (negative as well as positive) and to see how a changing world impacts business both at the macro and the micro levels.
  • Identify the role and impact of political, economical, social and cultural variables in international business.
  • Understand the most widely used international business terms and concepts.
  • Analyze international business from a multi-centric perspective, avoiding ethnocentrism.
  • Apply core models and concepts to practical situations.


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