Université Côte d'azur

ECUE International Purchases

Code de l'ECUE : IMECIP2

Ce cours appartient à UE Business international 1 (6 ECTS) qui contient 3 ECUE
Sciences de gestion et du management
Campus Saint Jean d'Angély
Master 1
Semestre pair


During this course, we will present how the purchases have grown until becoming of the utmost importance in all the modern enterprises.

The course offers an insight in all inner processes of the international procurement.

We will learn what is what we call the SUPPLY CHAIN, what is its place and function within all the organisations, what are the reasons of its evolution through the time, and finaly how the procurement can be the driving force in integrating the corporate social and environmental responsibility and sustainability concerns.

Responsable(s) du cours


  • 15h de cours magistral


Pas de prérequis


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
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  • 1 – Purchases typology

    2 – Strategic issues of the procurement function

    3 – Procurement function within the corporate framework

    4 – Certifications in the buyer-supplier relationships context

  • 1 – Procurement internationalization as the economic rationale

    2 – Information sources : sourcing and e-sourcing

    3 – Marketplaces and online auctions

  • 1 – Identifying the need

    2 – Preparing requirements specifications

    3 – Supplyers selection process and negociating the terms

    4 – Formalizing the agreement : the purchase contract

  • 1 – Monitoring tools

    2 – Key purposes of the monitoring

    3 – The real cost price in the international purchase

    4 – Evaluating the performance

  • Aucune description
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