Université Côte d'azur

UE Introduction to artificial intelligence for scientists

Code de l'ECUE : RMU02D

Ce cours donne droit à 3.0 ECTS.
Mathématiques appliquées et applications des mathématiques
Campus Valrose
Master 1 , Master 2 , Doctorat
Semestre pair


Modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a series of advancements in computer science, applied mathematics, and statistics. It introduces innovative methods and tools that are increasingly shaping professional practices and influencing society.

This introductory course aims to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts and practical applications of AI, particularly in the fields of chemistry and geoscience. It provides students with the opportunity to understand and engage with these technologies, already embedded in current practices, such as analyzing data from physics experiments, exploring chemical spaces, or predicting earthquakes. The course will place a strong emphasis on machine learning methods, while also addressing the limitations of current techniques and the scientific, societal, and environmental challenges associated with these technologies, to enable students to identify the opportunities that AI brings to their respective disciplines. 

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded 3 ECTS.

This course was co-developed by EUR SPECTRUM and EFELIA (École Française de l'Intelligence Artificielle) Côte d’Azur.

Responsable(s) du cours

Vannalisa Coli


  • 12h de travaux dirigés
  • 24h de heures


  • 12h de cours magistral


Avant le début du cours, je dois ...
  • There are no prerequisites for this course.


A la fin de ce cours, je devrais être capable de...
  • • Explain the fundamental concepts and methods of AI, • Understand the strengths and limitations of modern AI systems, • Begin incorporating AI advancements into the exploration of topics within their respective fields.


  • 4 sessions de cours magistraux (12h)

  • 4 sessions (12h)

Accéder au Syllabus complet (Authentification requise)
Ce syllabus n’a aucune valeur contractuelle. Son contenu est susceptible d’évoluer en cours d’année : soyez attentifs aux dernières modifications.